Fist bumps and boardroom etiquette


The first time I witnessed the ‘elbow tap’ on a shoot, was between two attendees at a political event I was covering just over one week ago. At the time, there were a few people talking about ‘the virus’, even a mention of pox parties, as well as the odd bottle of sanitizer in view, but for most part it appeared like any other event, with handshakes and ‘business as usual’.

What a difference a week makes.


Whilst many European countries have now closed schools, borders and non-essential shops & business’, there is the stark realisation of what lies ahead for the UK. Here in London, many people are now already working from home, whilst others are still continuing to work and commute on the tube. However the odd mask or pair of surgical gloves (and the fact you can get a seat!) tells you that this definitely isn’t your average morning rush hour central line train.

For me and many more photographers in my position, it is far from business as usual, being in a profession that is all about photographing people. Events and event photography no longer exists for the present time and shooting portraits is definitely more challenging. Trying to capture candid and natural images of people whilst keeping a safe social distance at all times. But it is still possible to make a connection even without that human touch.

So whether we go for the elbow tap, fist bump or whatever greeting you prefer when we next meet, we humans are social beings, and we will find a way to adapt to this new world we find ourselves in.

 Take care folks, stay safe and keep those hands clean!
